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Terms &


The following definitions apply:

Mawsley Coworking
Mawsley Coworking is a trading name of Return On Incentives Ltd and is registered in England with company number 12492479 and its registered office is at Ground Floor 15 Barnwell Court, Mawsley, Kettering, NN14 1FG. 

Site Contents, Use and Restrictions

All materials, including images, details, data, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, text, software, graphics, scripts, logos, and other materials that are part of this Site (collectively, the “Contents”) are owned exclusively (either directly or indirectly) by Mawsley Coworking and/or its content providers. Any rights not expressly granted in the Terms and Conditions are reserved for Mawsley Coworking.

Any Mawsley Coworking marks, logos and designs appearing on any of the Mawsley Coworking websites are the exclusive trademarks and service marks (either directly or indirectly) of Mawsley Coworking. No license to or right in any such marks, logos and designs and other proprietary rights of Mawsley Coworking is granted to or conferred upon you. ​

All other trademarks and service marks appearing on any of Mawsley Coworking websites that are not owned by Mawsley Coworking are the property of their respective owners.

This Site and its Contents may be used solely for your own personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of the Site or the contents is strictly prohibited, including, without limitation, modification, removal, deletion, transmission, publication, distribution, proxy cashing, uploading, posting, redistribution, re-licensing, selling, duplicating, republication or any other dissemination without the express written permission of Mawsley Coworking or the owner. You may not use any framing techniques to enclose any trademarks or logos of Mawsley Coworking nor use any meta tags or other hidden text without our prior written consent. You may not link to the site without our prior written consent. Use of spiders, robots and similar data gathering and extraction tools is expressly prohibited. ​

You may view and print a copy of the contents displayed on the site and download a copy of any contents that is designated for downloading, for your personal use only but you may not alter the contents in any way, including, without limitation, removing or modifying any copyright or other ownership notices. The rights, title and interest in the contents are not transferred to you by copying or downloading the material. The information provided on this site is free of charge and for informational purposes only and does not create a business or professional services relationship between you and Mawsley Coworking.

Damage, Theft or Loss of Belongings

You shall exercise responsibility in attending to and the safeguarding of all personal belongings. Leaving personal belongings like laptops, valuables, textbooks, notes, food unattended even for short period of time, may invite unnecessary thefts or create unnecessary misplacement or losses. Mawsley Coworking will not be responsible for any personal loss of items.

The car park is open to the public and free of charge. Mawsley Coworking do not guarantee that there will be any vacant parking space at any particular time. Mawsley Coworking cannot guarantee that members of the public will not enter the car park and cause damage to property and/or engage in criminal activity. Accordingly, you park your vehicle in the car park at your own risk. Mawsley Coworking cannot and do not guarantee the security of your vehicle and/or its contents.


You agree to use the facilities and the website site only for lawful purposes. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or through the site any unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, hateful material, or any other material that could give rise to civil or criminal liability under the law.


We may disclose any content or electronic communication of any kind (including your profile, e-mail address and other information) (1) to satisfy any law, regulation, or government request; (2) if the disclosure is necessary or appropriate to operate the Site; or (3) to protect the rights or property of Mawsley Coworking, its affiliates, and you.

Accuracy of Information

Mawsley Coworking uses reasonable efforts to furnish accurate and up-to-date information, but we do not guarantee that any information contained in this site is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free or that the site will be free from viruses. We also are not responsible for any errors or omissions in this site.


Although we may modify the contents, make improvements to the site or correct any error or omission at any time and without notice to you, we are not obligated to do so. We will endeavour to update information in a timely manner, but we will not be liable for any inaccuracies.


Any use you make of the information provided on this site is entirely at your own risk and Mawsley Coworking will not be liable for any loss of data, lost profits or any other damages or losses resulting from your use of this Site.

Links to Third Party Sites

Links on this Site may lead to services or sites not controlled or operated by Mawsley Coworking. We provide these links for your convenience and information. Links are not an endorsement of the site or service.


We assume no responsibility or liability for other sites or services. Any use you make of any site or service linked to by this Site is entirely at your own risk.

Disclaimer of warranties and limitations of liability

This site and its contents are provided by Mawsley Coworking “as is” and “as available” without any representation or warranty of any kind whether express or implied. Mawsley Coworking expressly disclaims all express and implied warranties including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event will Mawsley Coworking be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, compensatory, special, consequential, or other damages of any kind whatsoever, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property, business interruption, or loss of programs or data, arising out of or in connection with this site, any site or services linked through this site, or any copying, display or use thereof, regardless of the legal theory on which the claim is based, even if Mawsley Coworking has been advised of the possibility of such damages, including, without limitation, any damages that result from any mistake, omission, virus, delay or interruption in operation or service regardless of the reason.


Mawsley Coworking will not be liable for losses or damages arising out of or any way related to any third party web sites or their content accessed through links in this site, your use of this site or your use of any equipment of software in connection with this site.

Certain laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply to you, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions or limitations may not apply but liability shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Mawsley Coworking from any third party claim, action, demand, loss or damages (including attorneys’ fees and costs) arising out of or relating to your violation of these terms and conditions, your use of the site or your violation of any rights of a third party.

Remedies for violations

Mawsley Coworking reserves the right to seek all remedies available at law and in equity for violations of these terms and conditions, including but not limited to the right to block access from a particular IP address or reject bookings made by an individual or business.

Subject to the following clause, any claim or controversy related to these terms and conditions or relating to this site will be settled by arbitration. The decision of the arbitrator will be binding on the parties. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitration will be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to these terms and conditions, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise.

Feedback and other suggestions

All feedback, ideas and other suggestions submitted by you through this site will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary and may be disclosed or used by Mawsley Coworking for any purpose whatsoever, without any obligation to compensate you.


All personal data provided to Mawsley Coworking will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

Applicable Laws

This site and the contents are displayed solely for the purpose of promoting Mawsley Coworking’s available services. This Site is controlled and operated by Mawsley Coworking from its offices in England. You are responsible for complying with the laws of the jurisdiction from which you are accessing this site, and you agree that you will not access or use the information on this site in violation of such laws.


These terms and conditions and your use of this site will be governed by the substantive laws of England, under the exclusion of the English conflict of law rules and international treaties. Our failure to enforce any rights under these terms and conditions will not constitute a waiver of any terms or conditions of these terms and conditions.


If there is a determination that any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid or unenforceable, that determination will not affect the rest of these terms and conditions.


Regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of this site or under these terms and conditions must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. The section titles in these terms and conditions are for convenience only.

Site Ownership

This Site is the website of Return On Incentives Ltd trading as Mawsley Coworking and the content of this site is determined solely by Mawsley Coworking is registered in England with company number 12492479 and its registered office is at Ground Floor 15 Barnwell Court, Mawsley, Kettering, NN14 1FG.

In the event of any question relating to this site, please email us at

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